Our Team – Simone Facco

Simone Facco

Of Counsel

Graduated in Business Administration at Tor Vergata University of Rome with a thesis on the future of transportation and mobility industry.

The desire for knowledge is an emotional impulse that may occur as exploration or investigation. It’s all about a natural instinct, arising from the need of humans to interact with environment, satisfied through learning and discovering.

Curiosity and passion have always accompanied my training and work.

My Master’s degree in Business Administration at Tor Vergata is enriched by professional experiences, gained thanks to the collaboration with Professionals, Big companies, SMEs and startups, in various industries, such as: Information technology, Automotive, Gastronomic, Real estate, Socio-environmental and web 3.

In 2021, I founded Business Universe, a company that provide consulting to SMEs and Startups offering them the following services: fundraising, BPR & change management, Marketing strategies and project management.