Aiternalex appointed member of the judging commission for the “Hackathon 4 Team Building” promoted by Lazio Innova

Aiternalex is pleased to announce its nomination, in the person of Mr. Giovanni Gaeta, as Member of the Judging Commission for the “Hackathon 4 Team Building” organised by Lazio Innova at the Spazio Attivo in Ferentino on 15, 16 and 17 March. 

The event, organised in collaboration with Opinno Italy, Mylia/Adecco S.p.A, Revera srl and Keiron Interactive srl, is part of the POR-FESR project Potenziamento Rete Spazio Attivo, Action D.3 and aims at fostering the development of innovation projects using VR technologies and digital design to improve corporate team building.

The Hackathon will involve experts from fields such as software development, programming and graphics, giving them the opportunity to create innovative prototypes using HMD visors, microcontrollers, 3D printers and other digital fabrication technologies. Participants will be guided by experienced mentors through dedicated workshops.

Cash prizes of EUR 5000 for first place and EUR 2500 for second place will be awarded to the best proposals, providing a tangible incentive for innovation. The event aims to promote technology transfer and accelerate innovation in the context of Lazio’s Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

We would like to thank once again the Lazio Region and Lazio Innova for the assignment, recognising the importance and relevance of this initiative, aimed at promoting innovation in the productive fabric of the territory.