Our Team – Dr. Piercosma Bisconti

Dr. Piercosma Bisconti


Piercosma Bisconti is co-funder of DEXAI – Artificial Ethics, a research company addressing the ethical and social challenges of Artificial Intelligence and robotics, with a particular interest in relational technologies and social robotics.

He received his PhD in Political Philosophy from the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa with a dissertation entitled “Socio-Technical Hybrid Societies: A Systemic Approach to Human-Machine Interactions.” He published in prestigious international journals in the field of philosophy of technology, and participated in multiple EU Horizon Projects as experts in social implications of technology.

He has been Ethics Officer for the EU Commission (ERCEA). Moreover, he is policy advisor for Italian Consortium on Computer Science (CINI). Previously, he worked as researcher at CyberethicsLab, has been Scientific Coordinator in the Master’s degree in “Artificial Intelligence: Law and Ethics of Emerging Technologies” and IT project manager for Luis Vuitton.