Public Funding: May 2024 opportunities for Startups!

In this new monthly column, the Public Funding Department of Aiternalex intends to provide a series of subsidised and non-repayable finance instruments reserved for start-ups and aspiring entrepreneurs. 

In particular, we will firstly highlight measures that are close to expiry and for which it is still possible to apply at least one month from now.

Secondly, we will find measures without a deadline, but with a deadline when funds run out.

  • Non-repayable financing for measures to support entrepreneurship – Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

Expiring on 28 June 2024, the measure provides for a non-repayable grant in the maximum amount of Euro 70,000 for projects implemented in 4 months, and Euro 60,000 for projects implemented in 12 months. In the first case, coverage is 70% of the project, in the second 60%.

New small and medium-sized enterprises established no more than 36 months ago and all aspiring entrepreneurs are eligible.

  • Bando Donne Innovazione e Impresa: Non-repayable financing in support of innovation in female entrepreneurship – Lazio Region

Expiring on 12 June 2024, the grant provides for a non-repayable contribution of a maximum amount of EUR 145,000, with coverage ranging from 40 to 60% of the project.

Eligible beneficiaries are small and medium-sized enterprises run by women, i.e. corporations whose shares are owned by at least two-thirds by women.

  • Bando Nuova Impresa: Non-repayable financing to support new entrepreneurship – Autonomous Province of Trento

Expiring on 5 June 2024, the grant provides for a minimum non-repayable contribution of Euro 10,000 and a maximum of Euro 100,000.

Eligible beneficiaries are newly established micro and small enterprises with an operating unit in Trento, newly established female entrepreneurs, young people under 35 or those who have been unemployed for at least 6 months. 

Calls with deadline until funds are depleted

  • Bando Nuova Impresa 2024: Non-repayable financing for business start-ups – Lombardy Region

Expiring when funds run out, the grant provides for a maximum non-repayable contribution of Euro 10,000, with a minimum investment of Euro 3,000, and a maximum coverage of 50% of the project. 

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises set up in Lombardy after 1 June 2023 and self-employed persons with individual VAT numbers are eligible.

  • Bando Pre-Seed Plus: Non-repayable financing for the creation of innovative start-ups – Regione Lazio

Expiring when funds are exhausted, the grant provides for a minimum non-repayable contribution of EUR 10,000 and a maximum of EUR 30,000, increasable to EUR 60,000/100,000 if respectively more capital is contributed by third-party investors and research spin-offs.

Innovative start-ups established no more than 24 months ago and with operational headquarters in Lazio, as well as aspiring entrepreneurs, are eligible.

For information on all types of eligible interventions of the above-mentioned measures, and for assistance in compiling and submitting applications, please contact us!