Entries by Aiternalex

Aiternalex: ‘Legal engineering and enterprise 4.0: a bridge between law, technology and innovation’

We are happy to share on our blog the English translation of the article published by Adnkronos about Aiternalex and our method: legal engineering.

We thank Katia Pagrazi for the wonderful interview.

For the Italian version, please visit one of the following links (AdnKronos ; StartupMagazine ; Tiscali)


Thanks to integrated legal advice, companies and start-ups can delegate bureaucratic tasks and focus on the development of the business idea

With the advent of the digital economy, the legal sphere requires an interdisciplinary approach that integrates legal, technological and managerial skills: legal engineering is at the heart of this convergence, offering companies and start-ups the tools they need to seize the opportunities that lie ahead in an innovative and efficient manner. 

‘Operating in the Digital Market, companies need new compliance models for non-territorial jurisdictions. Legal engineering, by combining legal, technological and data science skills, acts as a bridge between the legal sphere and technological innovation, offering companies and start-ups an integrated approach to face legal and regulatory challenges in the context of the digital economy,’ says lawyer Giovanni Gaeta, Founder, together with lawyer Nicolò Shargool and developer Dario Pescatore, of Aiternalex. ‘This process requires both technical-engineering and forensic-legal skills, capable of formulating Business Analyses and performing Business Models. Aiternalex was born with this mission: to apply methodologies and tools typical of engineering and data science to the legal context, enabling companies to express their full potential by optimising processes, time, resources and costs’.

Aiternalex is the legal spin-off of the Swiss Aiterna Group, a young and dynamic reality capable of interpreting the new paradigms of the digital market and offering strongly innovation-oriented legal services. The interdisciplinary and dynamic vision that characterises Aiternalex’s team of experienced lawyers, analysts, project managers and developers allows the company to act as a true strategic partner for businesses, offering consultancy and project solutions that go beyond the mere legal aspect, capable of supporting the growth and development of companies and start-ups in a sustainable and cutting-edge manner.

‘In order to succeed in this objective, an inquisitive, flexible and multidisciplinary approach is certainly required,’ explains lawyer Nicolò ShargooI. The ‘Aiternalex method’ characterises all our departments and is applied to all phases of the consultancy from the client’s onboarding where, already at the discovery stage and in the subsequent deep dives on specific topics, all the professionalism, both tech and legal, necessary to fully understand the potential and criticality of the client’s Business Idea, as well as the context within which it is located, are involved. Working mainly in the field of new technologies, the real plus of our method is the co-presence of developers and technicians in the sector who, in addition to participating in the legal engineering process, which mainly characterises the innovation law department, play a constant role as cultural mediators between Aiternalex professionals and clients’.

‘This wide-angle approach makes it possible to optimise case management, avoid legal risks of non-compliance and make informed and effective design decisions,’ emphasises Dario Pescatore, CTO of the Aiterna group companies. ‘The ability to translate new languages and use technology to analyse data, identify trends, and predict risks, allows us to offer strategic and proactive advice, helping, first and foremost, to ensure companies’ regulatory compliance and, therefore, strong brand identities. In addition, legal engineering plays a key role in attracting investors, who are increasingly attentive to the risk management and regulatory compliance of the businesses in which they intend to invest; it is precisely thanks to legal engineering that it is possible to demonstrate a virtuous business model and a professional approach to the legal management of the company’.

Aiternalex appointed as Member of the Selection Committee for Boost Your Ideas!

We are excited to announce that Aiternalex, in the person of Mr. Giovanni Gaeta, has been appointed as a member of the Judging Committee for the Call VII of Boost Your Ideas, an innovative programme organised by Lazio Innova and Regione Lazio.

Boost Your Ideas aims to identify and promote the best proposals capable of addressing current and future challenges, orienting them towards the market through mentorship and pre-acceleration. This programme offers an excellent opportunity to identify innovative solutions that address the emerging needs of our communities and economies.

With the participation of important partners, major companies and potential investors, Boost Your Ideas not only provides specialised support and know-how to selected participants, but also offers significant business and networking opportunities. 

We sincerely thank Regione Lazio and Lazio Innova for this opportunity and recognise the importance of this initiative in fostering innovation in the productive fabric of the territory.

Aiternalex is Hiring!

Aiternalex is looking for a new resource to integrate into the legal team.

Are you an independent professional with initiative and a solid legal background? Join us!

Position: Legal collaborator with VAT number

Where: Rome; Milan; Naples


  • Law degree
  • Completed legal practice
  • Law degree or master’s degree not mandatory but considered a plus

Behavioural Skills:

  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Flexibility and organisational intelligence
  • Goal orientation
  • Excellent communication and analytical skills, with a broad vision encompassing legal, general, technical, environmental and geopolitical aspects

Technical skills:

  • Research and analysis using advanced digital tools
  • Good computer skills (Office, Google Workspace, email and PEC)
  • Problem-solving in the digital environment
  • Advanced English

Type of Employment:

  • Part-time: Partner support, customer management (Remuneration: €500.00)
  • Full-time: Part-time tasks plus development of an autonomous department (Remuneration: to be defined)

Mode of work: Smart working with monthly days in the office to be agreed upon.

We invite interested candidates to send their CV and a covering letter. Selection will be based on the skills demonstrated during the interview.

Aiternalex is a dynamic environment that values talent and innovation. We look forward to your application! 

Write to us at info@aiternalex.com!

Aiternalex appointed member of the judging commission for the “Hackathon 4 Team Building” promoted by Lazio Innova

Aiternalex is pleased to announce its nomination, in the person of Mr. Giovanni Gaeta, as Member of the Judging Commission for the “Hackathon 4 Team Building” organised by Lazio Innova at the Spazio Attivo in Ferentino on 15, 16 and 17 March. 

The event, organised in collaboration with Opinno Italy, Mylia/Adecco S.p.A, Revera srl and Keiron Interactive srl, is part of the POR-FESR project Potenziamento Rete Spazio Attivo, Action D.3 and aims at fostering the development of innovation projects using VR technologies and digital design to improve corporate team building.

The Hackathon will involve experts from fields such as software development, programming and graphics, giving them the opportunity to create innovative prototypes using HMD visors, microcontrollers, 3D printers and other digital fabrication technologies. Participants will be guided by experienced mentors through dedicated workshops.

Cash prizes of EUR 5000 for first place and EUR 2500 for second place will be awarded to the best proposals, providing a tangible incentive for innovation. The event aims to promote technology transfer and accelerate innovation in the context of Lazio’s Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

We would like to thank once again the Lazio Region and Lazio Innova for the assignment, recognising the importance and relevance of this initiative, aimed at promoting innovation in the productive fabric of the territory.